Sammy Nunn is an old favourite of mine. Thin and frail, an aspiring actor, as fey as Quentin Crisp and as beautiful as a snowdrop, he had to have a place in my current work. As well as being gay, I count him as my only overtly Christian friend. He was excited to hear that I was interested in giving him a place in my current project, and even more so when he heard what his suggested character was; John The Baptist.
The reason for it is this: John lived in the desert to purge himself of sin. He starved and starved and starved, he reached out to others, he was a guiding light in the dark. In a way, he played Jesus role before he even existed. He was Madonna to Lady Gaga, shall we say.
I knew that I had some fairly powerful images of Sammy Nunn enacting these very qualities, from a vaguely Victorian/neo-classical/pictorialist inspired series of pictures. I thought that they would be perfect for representing John the Baptist.

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